Worshipping with Children

For the latest on worship services & times, check here. Children's Time follows the sermon.
Children are an integral and welcome part of worship at CPC. While children of all ages are invited to be in the sanctuary, options are available to help children as they learn what worship looks like and how to participate in an age-appropriate manner.

Childcare is available for infants, toddlers and preschoolers up to age 3.5 during our worship services in room 221. During the traditional school year (September-May), childcare for all ages is also available during the adult Sunday School hour (see Worship Services & Times).

Worship & Wonder offers an interactive approach to faith formation for children from 3.5 - first grade. During the traditional school year, the program is available as part of the 10:30 a.m. worship service. While worship begins in the sanctuary, the children gather upstairs in a dedicated space the Education Building room 225. With the leadership of trained volunteers, they learn about worship and experience the wonder and mystery of God through Bible stories and activities. About midway through the worship service, following the sermon, the volunteers escort the children to the sanctuary for Children’s Time on the chancel steps. Afterwards, the children join their families in the pews for the remainder of worship.

Children in 2nd grade and above are encouraged and welcome to participate in the worship service. Children’s bibles, fidget toys, coloring pages, crayons and stuffed animals are available in the Narthex for use during the worship service. There are also books available in the church library, next to the sanctuary. Children in 3rd-5th grade are able to serve as acolytes after completing training.

If you would like to know more, please ask an usher on Sunday morning, or contact the church office here.