Adult Faith Formation Classes


The Pastor's Class is an in-depth lecture-based Bible study class taught by our pastor and head of staff, the Rev. Dr. Paul Lang. It is held Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

January 5 - February 23:  The Book of Jeremiah
This book of prophetic oracles (poems) spans a chaotic period of history and the quick succession of the last five kings of Israel.  The prophet attempts to speak both truth and hope into this unstable situation.  In our own world, the Book of Jeremiah is an important part of scripture to which people of faith might turn for texts which will challenge them deeply and offer surprising responses to our situation.

March & April: Anger
Our world is full of anger and many of us are aware of the anger we have within ourselves too.  We will consider the biblical witness to anger, the teaching of both ancient and more contemporary philosophy, and the theology of the Christian tradition as we ask the question, “Can my anger ever lead to virtue?  Or is it a vice which I must avoid?”


Sundays - In Person, 9:15 AM, CPC Parlor 
Tuesdays - Virtually via Zoom, 7:30 PM

Six particular Bible passages have often been used to "clobber" people identifying as LGBTQIA+, denying them affirmation and full participation in a Christian community. But are these verses being used authentically? Find out what they really mean for all of us in our 5-part series based on Rev. Colby Martin's theologically thoughtful, clear, and compelling book, UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality.

This class is offered in two different sessions each week, once in person on Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM, and once via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM. Contact Alan Bancroft to register for the class and obtain a copy of the book. Copies are also available in Wake County Public Libraries. The class is offered as part of CPC's sustained process of More Light Presbyterian discernment.


The Pilgrimage is a nation-wide, multi-congregation ministry, led by our pastor, Rev. Dr. Paul Lang, for Christians hoping to grow deeper in their faith. Classes are offered in person at Cary Presbyterian Church as well as live-streamed.

 Faith Formation AT CPC

At CPC, we view faith formation as a process that informs, forms, and transforms us into disciples of Jesus Christ. Faith formation in the Christian church encourages people of all ages to:

  • Grow in our relationship with God throughout our lives;
  • Live as disciples of Jesus Christ at home, at work, and in the world; 
  • Develop an understanding of the Bible and our faith tradition;
  • Deepen our spiritual life and practices;
  • Engage in service and mission;
  • Relate the Christian faith to life today; and
  • Participate in the life and ministries of the faith community.

Faith Formation at CPC includes a variety of opportunities for learning and growing in faith for all ages. We hope you will enjoy learning with and from others on your faith journey. Please contact Reverend Alan Bancroft through the church office with any questions.